Shark Swimming North West Cape
FoundAbout » Shark Swimming venues Near Exmouth Western Australia » Shark Swimming North West Cape
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- Packages start from AU$299.00
- people All equipment is included
AU$ Prices
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Boat Observer Bluestrike Deluxe Whaleshark Tour
- From AU$299.00
Boat Observer Jazz 2 Deluxe Whaleshark Tour
- From AU$299.00
Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Tour on Blue Strike (1 of 2 Boats Available).
- From AU$575.00
Deluxe Mega fauna Swim Tour
- From AU$575.00
Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Tour aboard MV JAZZ 2 (1 of 2 Boats available).
- From AU$575.00
From AU$299.00
Boat Observer Bluestrike Deluxe Whaleshark Tour
From Boat Observer participants - This is not a whaleshark swim.
Observers can experience a short snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will only observe the whalesharks from the boat, closer than any other wildlife watching tour.
Please note that whalesharks are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way. Minimum Age for our Observer full day tours is 6 years Old Kids Under 13 will need Full adult supervision and accomapanied at all times .
For A Whaleshark Swim Click on the Link -
Booking your tour
A $100 deposit per person holds your booking with full payment due a minimum of 14 days prior to your tour.
We offer a complete snorkel and diving service, with professional and helpful staff. Talk to us about our other snorkel and diving charters, courses and services - we are only too willing to assist.
For snorkel Swims You must be physically fit, over 6 years old, Must be a good snorkeller and have snorkelled within the past 6 months to be eligible to enter the water.
Please note that whalesharks are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way.
We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs. See our 'Booking Terms & Conditions'
Proof of Age required for any Seniors and Family/Child Rates.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 3
From AU$299.00
Boat Observer Jazz 2 Deluxe Whaleshark Tour
Observer participants
Observers can experience a snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will observe the whalesharks only from the boat, closer than any other wildlife watching tour.
We can take up to 3 observers on each vessel Only. This is great for people who want to watch their friends and family enjoy the experience but would prefer to watch from the deck rather than jump in with our big spotty friends! Observers can still enjoy a snorkel on the reef in the morning and also the afternoon if time permits. But cannot swim with a whaleshark in any circumstance.
Whaleshark Observing only participants -
Join The Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Boat
Whaleshark observers will experience a snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will observe the whalesharks from the boat closer, than any other tour. If there are swimming spots still available you may be permitted to upgrade on the day of the tour.
Note- Observers can snorkel the Reef only. DBCA Rules do not allow Observers to swap out, or swim with Whalesharks even when other swimmers drop out.
Please note that whalesharks are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way. Minimum Age for our Observer full day tours is 6 years Old Kids Under 13 will need Full adult supervision and accompanied at all times .
For A Whaleshark Swim Click on the Link -
Booking your tour
A $100 deposit per person holds your booking with full payment due a minimum of 14 days prior to your tour.
We offer a complete snorkel and diving service, with professional and helpful staff. Talk to us about our other snorkel and diving charters, courses and services - we are only too willing to assist.
For snorkel Swims You must be physically fit, over 6 years old, Must be a good snorkeller and have snorkelled within the past 6 months to be eligible to enter the water.
Please note that whalesharks are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way.
We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs. See our 'Booking Terms & Conditions'
Proof of Age required for Child Rates.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 3
From AU$575.00
Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Tour on Blue Strike (1 of 2 Boats Available).
** We Run This Deluxe Tour,on 'Blue Strike' our largest vessel, If this tour shows as unavailable in the calendar, click back & book yourself on to our second tour boat, 'JAZZ 2'. Both are very spacious and stable WestCoasters and you will have an amazing tour on either vessel!
Join us on an adventure of a lifetime snorkelling with these gentle Whaleshark giants in the nutrient rich waters of the Ningaloo Reef between March and early August. Our highly experienced, professional and fun crew will ensure your interactions with the biggest fish in the sea are relaxed, safe, and most importantly, unforgettable!!
This tour includes: One FREE Video of your Whaleshark Swim Tour by Profesional Videographer (One Free Whaleshark USB included per booking) Valued at over $75 An unforgettable day on board our well-equipped vessels, with the World's Leading Whaleshark Swim Team Quality service and handy tips to maximise your time spent with the Ningaloo Whale Sharks Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and refreshments throughout the day Celebrational glass of sparkling wine or light beer to end your adventure For all of our Whaleshark Swim Adventures, we employ a light aircraft to fly overhead throughout the day to spot each shark and guide the boat to it. Our plane time is NOT limited to two hours. Fully qualified and experienced Crew who will answer your questions, help with your gear and brief you on how to get the most from your day! A Pre-Whaleshark Snorkel lesson for everyone All DPaW fees included, a proportion of your ticket price goes towards Whaleshark Research. Good 'Whaleshark Swim' Guarantee from March1st, in the unlikely event no whale shark is sighted on your Whale Shark Adventure with us or you just didn't get a swim. We offer a 1/2 Price repeat tour, yours to take in the next 3 years. (conditions apply). No Gimmicks, Just great Whaleshark swims & Great Service, with boats designed for Whalesharking & Crew who Love it.
Your Crew will brief and assist you throughout the day with information about the Whalesharks: sex, behaviour, feeding patterns, how to take photos and more. They will also instruct you on how to best approach and swim with the Whalesharks so that your encounter with the world's largest fish is a truly memorable one.
FREE Video & Pictures of the day Included. We will copy onto an included 8Gb Whaleshark souvenir USB Pictures and Video will be available at our shop in the Mall next to the bakery, after 9am the following day. If you are leaving early we can post the USB at the nominal postage charge for your home location.
Whaleshark Observing only participants -
Click The Link To Book On The Deluxe Whaleshark Boat As an Observer ** **
Join The Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Boat
Whaleshark observers will experience a snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will observe the whalesharks Only from the boat closer, than any other tour. If there are swimming spots still available you may be permitted to upgrade on the day of the tour.
Note- We can take 3 observers on each vessel Only. This is great for people who want to watch their friends and family enjoy the experience but would prefer to watch from the deck rather than jump in with our big spotty friends! Observers can still enjoy a snorkel on the reef in the morning and also the afternoon if time permits. But cannot swim with a whaleshark in any circumstance.. DBCA Rules do not allow Observers to swap out, or swim with Whalesharks even when other swimmers drop out.
Proof of Age required for Child Rates. Child Age for any of our full day tours is Minimum 6 years to Max of 16 years Old.
With Mutual Respect
The Whalesharks we visit are exceptionally consistent in their habits and successful encounters are extremely reliable. But please remember we are visiting wild animals in their own environment. We ask you to approach each encounter with caution and respect, and never to presume we have any control over their appearance or actions whatsoever. These whale sharks favour our encounters with curiosity and much tolerance.
For Last Minute Bookings that are 48 hours Prior, please email or contact the store directly.
Guarantee: Deluxe Good Swim, from March 1st.
Exmouth Dive & Whalesharks Ningaloo offer all Deluxe Tour customers our unique 'Good Swim Guarantee', we will, in the very unlikely event of not sighting a Whaleshark, or you just didn't get a swim on your tour with us from Exmouth, give ONE 1/2 Price Repeat Whaleshark Swim tour on any available spot within the next 3 years. Conditions apply see terms & conditions. All of our customers should give themselves a little extra time in Exmouth just in case.
We like to return the favour
At Exmouth Dive & Whalesharks Ningaloo it is our goal to give all customers satisfaction with all trips, courses and products. Part of our Fee goes to Ningaloo Whaleshark research.
A $100 deposit per person holds your booking with full payment due a minimum of 14 days prior to your tour.
We offer a complete snorkel and diving service, with professional and helpful staff. Talk to us about our other snorkel and diving charters, courses and services - we are only too willing to assist.
Proof of Age required for Child Rates. Minimum Age for any of our full day tours is 6 years Old.
We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs. See our 'Booking Terms & Conditions'
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From AU$575.00
Deluxe Mega fauna Swim Tour
Mega Fauna Swimming Participants - THIS TOUR IS FOR 'GOOD SNORKELLERS ONLY'!
We Will Primarily Target any of the Big 3 Mega Fauna for this Tour.
If the weather conditions are suitable, or visibility is not too low, Humpback whales could be a possibility to swim with. We will also be looking for Whalesharks.
Being wild animals every day is unique and our focus is on Mega Fauna. The visibility conditions and animal behaviours, or numbers swimming thru, are not always just right enough to swim with humpback whales. Certain times we have Mothers with small calf's, that are restricted to swim with. We don't know until we get out there what will be accessible, how the whales behave or even if there are any, and even if there is a whaleshark in the same area.. What we do know is that we will have small groups, our plane and the best crew to get the best results possible on the day.
From June until October we are authorized to operate tours where guests may enter the water when the whales are relaxed, with a maximum group size of 7 swimmers plus a guide & Videographer in the water at the same time. While non-swimming guests observe the whales from the boat whilst manoeuvring as close as 75 meters! This is closer than any other whale watching cruise in Australia. This will give you a very special view for non-swimmers to enjoy the whales as they display their natural behaviours.
FREE Video & Pictures of the day Included. We will copy these onto one 8Gb souvenir USB for your booking. Pictures and Video will be available at our shop in the Mall next to the bakery, after 9am the following day. If you are leaving early we can post the USB at the nominal postage charge for your home location.
The swimmers, with the careful watch of their guide, will slide into the water and approach the Humpback Whale. We have strict distance guidelines and safety is paramount in these very special encounters. Swimmers can approach as close as 30 meters from the whale which will provide an excellent surface view of the animals and allow the swimmers to hear their beautiful songs. The whales are curious and are allowed to approach us within 15 metres giving us a unique close encounter. Our dedicated spotter plane pilot personally talks via radio, to the in-water guide to ensure a great interaction.
Before entering the water near a whale or whaleshark, swimmers will be required to take a morning quick in water swimming assessment as required by our license conditions. You must be physically fit, over 13years old , MUST be a good snorkeller and have snorkelled within the past 6 months to be eligible to enter the water with a whale.
We also include a come again at 1/2 priceGuarantee... If you don't get to experience an in water interaction with a Whale, Whaleshark or Manta Ray, you get 50% off the ticket price of your next Whale swim tour.
*conditions apply*
For Last Minute Bookings that are 48 hours Prior, please email or contact the store directly.
Mega fauna Observing only participants - Click The Link To Book On The Mega Fauna Humpback Whale/Whaleshark Swim Boat As an Observer ** **
Join The Mega Fauna Humpback Whale Swim Boat
Whale watchers will experience a snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will observe the Humpback whales from the Humpback Swim Boat, closer than any other whale watching tour. If there are swimming spots still available you may be permitted to upgrade on the day of the tour.
Please note that whales & whalesharks are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way. For this reason we cannot fully guarantee that all swimming guests will experience an in water interaction.
Minimum Ages:- for observer Only is 6 years Old - Humpback Swim 13 years old.
Booking your tour
A $100 deposit per person holds your booking with full payment due a minimum of 14 days prior to your tour.
We offer a complete snorkel and diving service, with professional and helpful staff. Talk to us about our other snorkel and diving charters, courses and services - we are only too willing to assist.
You must be physically fit, over 13years old, Must be a good snorkeller and have snorkelled within the past 6 months to be eligible to enter the water with a whale.
Please note that animals are completely wild and we do not disrupt their natural behaviours in any way. For this reason we cannot guarantee that all swimming guests will experience an in water interaction.
We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs. See our 'Booking Terms & Conditions'
Proof of Age required for Child Rates.
Minimum Ages:- for observer Only is 6 years Old - Humpback Swim 13 years old.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From AU$575.00
Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Tour aboard MV JAZZ 2 (1 of 2 Boats available).
** We Run Two Whalshark Tours**Jazz 2 is our first vessel, If this tour shows as unavailable in the calendar, click back & book yourself on to our second Deluxe tour boat, Blue strike. Both are very spacious and stable WestCoasters and you will have an amazing tour on either vessel!
Join us on an adventure of a lifetime snorkelling with these gentle Whaleshark giants in the nutrient rich waters of the Ningaloo Reef between March and early August. Our highly experienced, professional and fun crew will ensure your interactions with the biggest fish in the sea are relaxed, safe, and most importantly, unforgettable!!
We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs. See our 'Booking Terms & Conditions'
Note- Observers can snorkel the Reef only. DBCA Rules do not allow Observers to swap out, or swim with Whalesharks even when other swimmers drop out.
Proof of Age required for Child Rates. Child Age for any of our full day tours is Minimum 6 years to Max of 16 years Old.
For Last Minute Bookings that are 48 hours Prior, please email or contact the store directly.
Guarantee: Deluxe Good Swim, From March 1st.
Exmouth Dive & Whalesharks Ningaloo offer all Deluxe Tour customers our unique 'Good Swim Guarantee', we will, in the very unlikely event of not sighting a Whaleshark, or you just didn't get a swim on your tour with us from Exmouth, give ONE 1/2 Price Repeat Whaleshark Swim tour on any available spot within the next 3 years. Conditions apply see terms & conditions. All of our customers should give themselves a little extra time in Exmouth just in case.
This price includes: FREE Video of your Whaleshark Swim Tour by Profesional Videographer (Whaleshark Souvenir USB included 1 per booking) Valued over $75 An unforgettable day on board our well-equipped vessels, with the World's Leading Whaleshark Swim Team Quality service and handy tips to maximise your time spent with the Ningaloo Whale Sharks Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and refreshments throughout the day Celebrational glass of sparkling wine or light beer to end your adventure For all of our Whaleshark Swim Adventures, we employ a light aircraft to fly overhead throughout the day to spot each shark and guide the boat to it. Our plane time is NOT limited to two hours. Fully qualified and experienced Crew who will answer your questions, help with your gear and brief you on how to get the most from your day! A Pre-Whaleshark Snorkel lesson for everyone All DBCA fees included, a proportion of your ticket price goes towards Whaleshark Research. Good 'Whaleshark Swim' Guarantee from March 1st, in the unlikely event no whale shark is sighted on your Whale Shark Adventure with us or you just didn't get a swim. We offer a 1/2 Price repeat tour, yours to take in the next 3 years. (conditions apply). No Gimmicks, Just great Whaleshark swims & Great Service, with boats designed for Whalesharking & Crew who Love it.
Your Crew will brief and assist you throughout the day with information about the Whalesharks: sex, behaviour, feeding patterns, how to take photos and more. They will also instruct you on how to best approach and swim with the Whalesharks so that your encounter with the world's largest fish is a truly memorable one.
FREE Video & Pictures of the day Included. We will copy onto an included 8Gb Wghaleshark souvenir USB. Pictures and Video will be available at our shop in the Mall next to the bakery, after 9am the following day. If you are leaving early we can post the USB at the nominal postage charge for your home location.
OBSERVERS we can take 3 observers on each vessel Only. This is great for people who want to watch their friends and family enjoy the experience but would prefer to watch from the deck rather than jump in with our big spotty friends! Observers can still enjoy a snorkel on the reef in the morning and also the afternoon if time permits. But cannot swim with a whaleshark in any circumstance.
Whaleshark Observing only participants - Click The Link To Book On The Deluxe Whaleshark Boat As an Observer ** **
Join The Deluxe Whaleshark Swim Boat
Whaleshark observers will experience a snorkel on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef and will observe the whalesharks from the boat closer, than any other tour. If there are swimming spots still available you may be permitted to upgrade on the day of the tour.
Note- Observers can snorkel the Reef only. DBCA Rules do not allow Observers to swap out, or swim with Whalesharks even when other swimmers drop out.
With Mutual Respect
The Whalesharks we visit are exceptionally consistent in their habits and successful encounters are extremely reliable. But please remember we are visiting wild animals in their own environment. We ask you to approach each encounter with caution and respect, and never to presume we have any control over their appearance or actions whatsoever. These whale sharks favour our encounters with curiosity and much tolerance.
We like to return the favour
At Exmouth Dive & Whalesharks Ningaloo it is our goal to give all customers satisfaction with all trips, courses and products. Part of our Fee goes to Ningaloo Whaleshark research.
A $100 deposit per person holds your booking with full payment due a minimum of 14 days prior to your tour.
We offer a complete snorkel and diving service, with professional and helpful staff. Talk to us about our other snorkel and diving charters, courses and services - we are only too willing to assist.
Proof of Age required for Child Rates. Minimum Age for any of our full day tours is 6 years Old.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
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- Refreshments Available
- Qualified Instructors
- All Equipment
- Toilets
directions Location
- 6707
- Exmouth
- WA
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Also at this location
Venue Ref: 1011014-208
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