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Tours Rottnest Island

FoundAbout » Tours venues Near Rottnest Island Western Australia » Tours Rottnest Island

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  • Packages start from AU$40.00

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From AU$40.00

Sunset Photographic Session

Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) is ideally situated to view the sunset in the West and the rising full moon over the ocean to the East. We will set up for sunset near Garden Lake on the edge of the Settlement to add the opportunities for beautiful reflections especially if we have an evening with no wind. Often we can be disappointing with the colour when photographing sunset so we will look into how our camera settings can be used to enhance colour without the need to oversaturate images in post processing. We will then move to Thomson Bay to photograph the full moon over the ocean in the East.
A discount will be offered to participants of this session for the Dawn shoot and/or photographic day tour on March 19th


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10

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  • Australia

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1014792-250
