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Trail Trekking Gidgegannup

FoundAbout » Trail Trekking venues Near Walyunga National Park Western Australia » Trail Trekking Gidgegannup

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  • Packages start from AU$70.00

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From AU$70.00

Numbat Trail Hiking Experience

Discover the Numbat trail in the Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary with Off The Beaten Track WA!
The Numbat Trail is the longest of three trails that Paruna has to offer and right from the start you can see why it has a good reputation. You can expect a complex mosaic of woodland, shrubland and heathland throughout steep granite slopes, boardwalks, eerie marshes and amazing views of the Paruna Gorge. As you traverse the many switchbacks the fresh scent of eucalyptus is ever present.
Paruna sanctuary is in the Darling Range, and sits on the western margin of the ‘Yilgarn Block’; an ancient granite landform that formed over 2.5 billion years ago. The scenic Avon Valley, where Paruna is located, was carved out by the Avon River over thousands of years. The sanctuary itself is characterised by extremely steep slopes, numerous streams and creeklines, and areas of exposed granite.
The sanctuary is home to a number of significant species including the threatened Chuditch (Western Quoll), Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, and small mammals such as the Honey Possum which lives in Paruna’s diverse heathlands, and the Western Pygmy Possum.
Start Point: Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary, Clenton Rd, Avon Valley. Follow the long gravel driveway, through the gate, to the main car park. We will meet you near the entry gate.
Includes: Guided 12km hike, nutritious morning tea, complimentary use of hiking poles, sunscreen, repellent & access to all hike photographs.

What to Bring? Camera, 3 ltrs water, head torch with spare batteries, personal first aid, a good attitude and big smile!
Terrain: This is a challenging 12km hike and not for inexperienced hikers. The terrain is quite mixed with lots of steep ascents/descents to traverse. A medium level of fitness will be required.
Off The Beaten Track WA provide a trained and experienced Lead Guide and Tail Ender for our hikes. We carry two-way communication devices, a personal location beacon when phone signal is not available and we’re a fully licensed, insured and accredited Western Australian tourism business provide hiking and adventure experiences with a twist!

To view other Off The Beaten Track WA events and tours please click here!


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 20

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  • Clenton Rd
  • Avon Valley
  • Avon Valley
  • WA

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1018070-241
