Walking Tours Lavender Bay
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- Packages start from AU$899.00
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From AU$899.00
NSW General Boat Licence + Coxswain Grade 3 - Port Hacking
This course is usually completed by people who have spent some time working on commercial boats and now want to get a fast tracked into a Coxswain Grade 3. Since one day of commercial sea time is a requirement for a coxswain grade 3 certificate of competency this box will need to already be ticked, or you can see our package that includes the sea time by
Clicking here
We do this dual course over 2 days. Day one is your boat licence and Day two is the Coxswain Grade 3 training and assessment.
On day 1 we run our usual boat licence course and cover all of the theory required to give you the knowledge required to pass the knowledge test and we also have practical training on board one of our licensed boat licence training vessels. It is a fun day and you will learn a lot.
Day 2 is all about the Coxswain Grade 3 and you will spend time going over all of the information and practical demonstrations that you will need for your an assessment. It is also a fun day and takes a bit of a deeper dive into being in charge of a vessel.
At the end of it all you should walk away with both a boat licence and a Coxswain Grade 3.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From AU$899.00
NSW General Boat Licence + Coxswain Grade 3 - Rose Bay
This course is usually completed by people who have spent some time working on commercial boats and now want to get a fast tracked into a Coxswain Grade 3. Since one day of commercial sea time is a requirement for a coxswain grade 3 certificate of competency this box will need to already be ticked, or you can see our package that includes the sea time by
Clicking here
We do this dual course over 2 days. Day one is your boat licence and Day two is the Coxswain Grade 3 training and assessment.
On day 1 we run our usual boat licence course and cover all of the theory required to give you the knowledge required to pass the knowledge test and we also have practical training on board one of our licensed boat licence training vessels. It is a fun day and you will learn a lot.
Day 2 is all about the Coxswain Grade 3 and you will spend time going over all of the information and practical demonstrations that you will need for your an assessment. It is also a fun day and takes a bit of a deeper dive into being in charge of a vessel.
At the end of it all you should walk away with both a boat licence and a Coxswain Grade 3.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From AU$899.00
NSW General Boat Licence + Coxswain Grade 3 - North Sydney
This course is usually completed by people who have spent some time working on commercial boats and now want to get a fast tracked into a Coxswain Grade 3. Since one day of commercial sea time is a requirement for a coxswain grade 3 certificate of competency this box will need to already be ticked, or you can see our package that includes the sea time by
Clicking here
We do this dual course over 2 days. Day one is your boat licence and Day two is the Coxswain Grade 3 training and assessment.
On day 1 we run our usual boat licence course and cover all of the theory required to give you the knowledge required to pass the knowledge test and we also have practical training on board one of our licensed boat licence training vessels. It is a fun day and you will learn a lot.
Day 2 is all about the Coxswain Grade 3 and you will spend time going over all of the information and practical demonstrations that you will need for your an assessment. It is also a fun day and takes a bit of a deeper dive into being in charge of a vessel.
At the end of it all you should walk away with both a boat licence and a Coxswain Grade 3.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
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directions Location
- 50 Waratah St
- 2230
- Crunulla
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Also at this location
Venue Ref: 1022442-254
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