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Tours Jarrahdale

FoundAbout » Tours venues Near Mount Cooke Western Australia » Tours Jarrahdale

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  • Packages start from AU$55.00

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From AU$55.00

Darling Range Twin Peaks Hike

Sullivan Rock to Mt Cuthbert is arguable one of the best day hike sections of the Bibbulmun Track!
As you ascend Mt Vincent, the views to the South West are stunning and worth stopping to admire. You'll head over the summit of Mt Vincent and back down along the Bibbulmun towards Mt Cuthbert. Not too far into the descent you will be surrounded by lush Jarrah & Ghost Gum forest filled with Banksias and Grass Trees, on a cold wet day this valley feels quite mystical!
As we reach the top of Mt Cuthbert, you will be rewarded with a delicious morning tea and awe-inspiring views of the Monadnocks Conservation Park!
Includes: 10 km guided hike, morning tea, complimentary use of hiking poles, sunscreen, repellent & access to all hike photographs.

Start Point: Please meet at the Sullivan Rock Car Park, Albany Hwy, Mt Cooke. Please arrive 15mins early to ensure a prompt departure.
Off The Beaten Track WA provide a trained and experienced Lead Guide and Tail Ender for our hikes. We carry two-way communication devices, a personal location beacon when phone signal is not available and we’re a fully licensed, insured and accredited Western Australian tourism business provide hiking and adventure experiences with a twist!

To view other Off The Beaten Track WA events and tours please click here!
To view more information on this trail, please click here!


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 20

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  • 6390
  • Mount Cooke
  • WA

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1018062-250
