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Mountain Biking Hobart

FoundAbout » Mountain Biking venues Near Hobart Tasmania » Mountain Biking Hobart

informationvenue Details

  • Packages start from AU$600.00

AU$ Prices

From AU$600.00

Explore Tasmania - Your Day Your Way: Private and Custom

This premium service is ideal for any occasion.
We offer a premium custom service for up to 11 people - which is ideal for the Wineries, Distilleries, Breweries and other places we visit. Tasmania is about doing the little things well.
There are so many venues and activities to select from and ways to deliver the pitch perfect day that is just right for your group. Our connections and knowledge of Tasmania - especially the Derwent Valley and surrounding areas, means that we can efficiently bring to life your special day.
In terms of activities we can arrange anything you like - Fly Fishing, Mountain Biking, Hunting, Golf, even a Celebrant. Or maybe it is just quality time together with a few classy visits, lots of tastings and even a picnic style BBQ lunch for a great day out.
Every one is unique.
We curate the day so that you are connecting with experts as well as gourmet food, whiskey, wine and so forth, even accommodation if required.
Although we specialise in the Derwent Valley and its surrounds such as the Central Highlands and down to Lake Pedder, we can readily take you to wherever you would like to visit.

This rate quoted here includes: Exclusive use of our Executive Class Renault Master Bus and driver for a full day and up to 300km. Capacity for up to 11 Adults (with plenty of luggage space) Consultation about the day by phone or email for as long as it takes to get the itinerary just right.
This is a base rate, and may have inclusions such as some tastings, a picnic style lunch for example. All other third party expenses are quoted separately. Once the final numbers and the itinerary is known, then a consolidated figure is quoted.
To secure your preferred date please contact Sam directly on 041 or email


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 1

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  • Hobart
  • Tasmania

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1026954-100
